Nicole Sublette
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Mental Health Intergrative Medicine Provider, Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Auricular Therapist, Biofeedback Practioner, Speaker and DEIJ Educator.
Qualifications and accreditations:
- License: New Hampshire / 2067
- School: Antioch University New England
- Year Graduated: 2013
- Membership: NAACP
- Membership: American Counseling Association
Throughout most of my life I watched the most important women in my life suffer. I would observe my own mother grieve as she moved from one relationship to another. All the time internalizing her experience, as if she were faulty. I observed her tearful moods, periods of not eating, and obsessing over why men would leave her or desire her. She would alter her appearance, beliefs, and attitudes to match those of whom she dated.
However, through all of this even as a child I saw my mother at her core. A woman with unspeakable strength, courage, and radiant beauty. She was a woman that just wanted to be loved. Yet, she was unable to find that love within herself so would bounce from relationship to relationship spiraling into anxiety and depression when it did not work out.
As a young woman I also found myself emulating her patterns. Perhaps, as a way to connect or to more deeply understand my mother. Or it maybe it was the way I was modeled to find love. Taught that love and validation come from the outside. I found myself in similar patterns. Altering myself so I appeared attractive, intelligent, reserved, happy, and always being one step ahead in intimacy. However, I found that I was not happy, but simply exhausted. Often juggling too many balls just keep appearances.
I wanted to find a new way. To find my freedom and a sense of empowerment that never left me despite the circumstances.
Does my story resonate with you? If so, you are in the right place.
A New Way
The path started in graduate school. Understanding the psychology of the human mind. It helped to give great understanding about human behavior, functioning, and even how our family of origin influences our thoughts and ideas about identity and self-worth. When I set out in practicing psychotherapy I found many of the modalities extremely helpful, but talk therapy often seemed that it was long-lasting and not absolutely effective.
Often times people talking about their problems seemed to reinforce their self-construct. I also observed that there was more healing to be done, than just on the level of the consciousness. Much of functioning came from the subconscious. If we did not fundamentally believe that we were loveable, worthy, intelligent, or attractive no amount of affirmations or fake it until you make it was going to work. As the subconscious absorbs the first part of fake it until you make it… it preoccupies itself with fake.
The end result feeling that we are fake and our core self-statements are not altered. This why I studied hypnotherapy to move beyond the conscious functioning. I found that hypnotherapy was extremely effective into moving people toward permanent and lasting changing.
Yet, modalities of the mind were not enough.
As I continued to drill deeper into my work I realized that it was modalities of the heart. Science is finding that the heart has its own brain. We first perceive with the heart and the make logistical sense out of things with our mind.
I found that when we operate from the heart and experience a heartfelt shift, that it when TRUE healing occurred.
Self-love is not thinking your way to it or trying to believe it with the mind. Self-love is feeling your way to it and tapping into the emotion with love. I studied numerous modalities that helped people heal, mind, body, and soul.
For when we are clear we can absolutely shift our reality.
We can manifest the reality that we so badly desire and experience the love that our soul longs for.
We discover that we in so many ways are UNLIMITED.
My work and years of study is a direct path to sovereignty, empowerment, and healing. When we are able to tap directly into our power we find that we can overcome any obstacle. More importantly it is revealed to us that any obstacle that we encounter is a true gift, often a blessing in disguise.
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